Audio cassette recording of Mabel MacArthur of Sandaig talking to Maggie Campbell in October 2001.
Mabel MacArthur of Sandaig talks to Maggie Campbell in October 2001 about her trip to America where she witnessed the terrorist incident at the New York World Trade Centre on September 11th from 15-20 blocks away, the terrible smell and smoke the next day and how relieved she was to leave. Tha Mabel Nic Artair a’ bruidhinn re Magaidh Chaimbeul anns an Dàmhair 2001 mun cuairt a ghabh i gu Ameireaga far an d’ fhianais i tubaist oillteachas ann an New York Trade Centre air a cheud latha deug de ’n t-Sultain, am fàileadh uamhasach agus an toit an ath latha, agus cho taingeil ’s bha i bhi ga fhàgail.