Audio cassette recording of Dr John MacInnes talking to Maggie Campbell in March 2000.
Dr John MacInnes talks to Maggie Campbell in March 2000 about recording oral histories on Tiree with the School of Scottish Studies, the kindness of Tiree people, meeting Eachann and Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin and the many stories he heard about Fingal, Oscar and Diarmid and other heroes, the origins of these stories, the Balephuil clearances, the skill of Tiree men at sailing and the importance of giving young people the confidence to speak in Gaelic. Tha Dotair Iain Mac Aonghais a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul ann Am Mart 2000 mu eachdraidh beul-aithrise Thiriodh air a chuir air clàr le Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba, càirdeas muinntir Thiriodh, a’ coinnicheadh ri Eachann agus Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin agus gur iomadh sgeul a’ chuala e mu Fhionn, Oscar agus Diarmaid agus gaisgich eile, tùs na sgeulan sin, fuadach Bhaile Phuill, sgil fir Thiriodh aig fairge agus cho feumail ’s a bha e misneachd a’ thoirt do dhaoine òige Gàidhlig a’ bhruidhinn.