Ruaig schoolchildren around 1905
Photograph of Ruaig schoolchildren around 1905.
Courtesy of Mrs Anneen Black
Following the Education Act (Scotland) of 1872 when schooling became compulsory for all children between the ages of five and thirteen, five new schools were built in Tiree at Ruaig, Scarinish, Cornaigmore, Heylipol and Balemartine.
The Ruaig school served the east end of the island and replaced the schools at Kirkapol and Caoles. A former pupil, Danina MacKinnon of Brock, was examined in 1895 and was shown to have a ‘thorough efficiency in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic (embracing all the Standards of the Scotch Code).’
Her Merit Certificate certified her proficient in English, Geography, History, Domestic Economy and Gaelic and that her ‘character and conduct’ were ‘entirely satisfactory’. A surviving school jotter shows that she also learned Latin and Algebra.
Black and white photograph of Ruaig School around 1905.
Ruaig School around 1905. L-R: (back row) Margaret Storar, Caoles; Mary MacDonald, Sackhill; Flora MacFarlane, Vaul; Danina MacCallum, Port Ban; Joan MacKinnon, Vaul; Maggie MacFarlane, Vaul; Kate MacKinnon, Vaul; Bella Farquhar, Ruaig; Effie MacFarlane, Vaul; Catriona MacDonald, Caoles; Katie MacPhail, Vaul; (2nd back row) Charles MacLeod, Brock; Hugh MacLeod, Ruaig; Alasdair MacLeod, Ruaig; Hugh MacKinnon, Torr a’ Bhaile; Iain MacDonald, Sackhill; Colin MacIntyre, Milton; Iain MacDonald, Sackhill; Neil MacFadyen, Caoles; Hugh MacLean, Croish; John Alick MacArthur, Caoles; Donald A. MacDonald, Skipness; (2nd front row) Mary Margaret MacKinnon, Vaul; Morag MacDonald, Sackhill; Katie MacLean, Croish; Morag MacLean, Croish; Kirsty MacDonald, Skipness; Effie Clark, Ruaig; Katie MacLean, Vaul; Morag MacIntyre, Silversands; Marion MacKinnon, Rhum View; Lizzie (Bhan) Lamont; Katie Ann MacDonald, Skipness; (front row) Hugh MacFadyen, Caoles; John MacInnes, Ruaig; Maggie MacLeod, Brock; Mary MacLeod, Brock; Dolly Campbell, Vaul; Sarah MacDonald, Skipness; Hugh Hector MacArthur, Caoles; Donald MacLean, Croish.