Associated People: MacLeod, Mr Hugh, Cornaigbeg (1915 - )


Minidisk recording of Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talking to Maggie Campbell on 15/5/2007.

Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talks to Maggie Campbell in May 2007 about the MacInnes family of Kilmoluaig who left the island because there was not enough work for the father, Donald MacInnes, who was a tailor.


Minidisk recording of Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talking to Maggie Campbell in November 2005.

Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talks to Maggie Campbell in November 2005 about the family of James Galbraith who was born in Gigha, and came with his family from Rothiemurchus, near Aviemore, to Balevullin to take the position of Head of the Parochial School at Balevullin in 1874. His daughter married into the MacDonald family of Kilmoluaig.


Mini-disk recording of Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talking to Maggie Campbell on 1/2/2005.

Hugh MacLeod (Eòghann Charrachan) of Cornaigbeg talks to Maggie Campbell in February 2005 about old Tiree recipes for drinks and oatmeal porridge, about the food that can be found on the beach, the difference in importance between Christmas and New Year and how the Old New Year was celebrated on 13th January.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh Macleod of Cornaigbeg talking to Maggie Campbell in November 1999.

Hugh MacLeod (Eòghann Charrachan) of Cornaigbeg talks to Maggie Campbell in November 1999 about the smiddy in Cornaig and the blacksmith Seumas MacCallum who worked there in the 1930s and 1940s shoeing horses, the two churches in Cornaig and the preacher, Hector Meek of Caoles, church attendance, the Cornaig mill, the livestock at Whitehouse which was once a school, the weather station, the old ferries, good singers from Cornaig including Mod medallists.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLeod, Cornaigbeg, talking to Maggie Campbell on 19/6/2001.

Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talks to Maggie Campbell in June 2001 about Charles and Archie (Èairdsidh Tuairnear) MacLean of Cornaigmore, where Archie lived, his work as a wood turner, the equipment he used and the furniture, spinning wheels and coffins he made; Hugh also talks about Garaphail, Lag na Gruachan, Druimbuidhe and Whitehouse farms.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talking to Maggie Campbell in November 1998.

Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talks to Maggie Campbell in November 1998 about the ships he sailed on between 1935 and 1945, the ports he visited in Newfoundland, Africa, Australia and New Zealand, his time at sea during World War II, being attacked by bombs and torpedoes and the repair of his ship in Malta, the cargo ships he worked on after the war and his pay as a seaman. Eòghann Mac Leòid o Còrnaig Bheag a’ bruidhinn ri Mairead Chaimbeul anns an t-Samhain 1998 mu dheidhinn na bàtaichean air an do sheòl e eadar 1935 agus 1945, na puirt ann a Newfoundland, Afriga, Astràilia agus New Zealand, a’ bhith seòladh aig àm an Cogadh Mòr, agus an tide a chuir e seachad ann am Malta a’ feitheamh ris am bata aige, na bàtaichean luchd air an do sheòl e as dèidh an cogadh agus am pathadh a bha aige na sheòladair.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLeod, Cornaigbeg, interviewed by Maggie Campbell on 1/3/2003.

Hugh MacLeod (Eòghann Charrachan) of Cornaigbeg talks to Maggie Campbell about predicting the weather from the direction of the wind, the moon, stars, tides and rainbows, the behaviour of birds, the view of the islands, how these predictions regulated the crofting year in his younger days and how the weather has changed since then. Tha Eòghann Mhic Leòid a Cornaig Bheag a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul mu chomharradh na side a rèir na gaoithe, a’ gealach, na rionnagan, an tràghadh ’s an lìonadh, na boghachan-frois, cleachdadh nan eòin, sealladh nan eileanan agus mar a bha comharradh a riaghail bliadhna croitearachd ann an laithean òige.