Associated People: MacLean, Mr Malcolm Alexander, Kilmoluaig (1844 - 1895)


Colour photograph of a painting of Malcolm MacLean, Kilmoluaig, presiding over his Inaugural Council Meeting in 1886 as the first Mayor of Vancouver, Canada. Titled ‘The Builders’ and painted by John Innes in 1936, it used to hang in City Hall, Vancouver, but is now preserved in the Vancouver Archives vault, awaiting restoration.

Photo by Kristy Waller, Auxiliary Archivist, 2017. On the left is Louise MacDougall, a Canadian descendant of Tiree, and donor of the photograph to An Iodhlann.



Booklet `Sìl an Eòrna – Children of the Barley` 2006

Booklet about the circumstances and fates of people who left Tiree en masse, sailing to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Patagonia and USA during the mid 1800s to early 1900s. Researched by Dr John Holliday for a summer exhibition at An Iodhlann.


Information about Malcom Alexander MacLean of Tiree and Vancouver

Information and documents about the family history and life of Malcolm Alexander MacLean (1844-1895), who was born in Kilmoluaig/Cornaigbeg, emigrated to Canada with his family in 1848, and became the first mayor of Vancouver in 1886. Includes copy of his death certificate, ancestry, copy of article about the death of his wife`s mother, Mrs Donald Cattanach, and correspondence between Glenda Franklin, Louise MacDougall and An Iodhlann.