Township history for Baugh researched and written by Hector MacPhail.
Information about prominent people in Baugh – Dr Buchanan and the MacFarlane family – and about Port a` Mhulinn and the Poor House.
Township history for Baugh researched and written by Hector MacPhail.
Information about prominent people in Baugh – Dr Buchanan and the MacFarlane family – and about Port a` Mhulinn and the Poor House.
Photocopied letter from Sheena MacFarlane, Glasgow dated 14/9/1996.
Letter from the great-granddaughter-in-law of Rev. Robert MacFarlane with information about Balinoe House which was known as the Minister`s widow`s house.
Photocopy of family tree for the MacFarlanes of Balinoe
Descendants of Duncan MacFarlane, Balinoe, born c. 1750.
Letter from donor and photocopied information re ministers James, Duncan and Dugald Macfarlane.
Extracts from `History of Baptists in Scotland`, 1926, and `Island Harvest` by Donald Meek re John, Duncan, James, Robert and their father William MacFarlane.
Family tree for Robert Maxwell MacFarlane (1819-1893)
Photocopy of hand-drawn family tree for Robert Maxwell MacFarlane, minister, whose father , William, was a crofter at Balinoe.