Typed copy of Edward Curtis-Stanford`s journal 1864
Copy of hand-typed transcript of the journal of Edward Charles Cortis-Stanford dated 3rd January 1864, about his seaweed processing factory at Middleton/Sandaig.
Click here to view 2013.104.5
Typed copy of Edward Curtis-Stanford`s journal 1864
Copy of hand-typed transcript of the journal of Edward Charles Cortis-Stanford dated 3rd January 1864, about his seaweed processing factory at Middleton/Sandaig.
Click here to view 2013.104.5
Photocopied extract `The history of the seaweed industry: the alginate industry` by Ernest Booth.
The commercial uses of alginate, Curtis Stanford and various commercial ventures including Kelco.
Photocopied extract `The history of the seaweed industry: the iodine industry` by Ernest Booth.
The history of the iodine industry and its medical applications.
Photocopied article about the history of the seaweed industry by Ernest Booth.
Article about Edward Curtis-Stanford and the iodine industry.
Photocopied letter by Edward Curtis Stanford written on 3/1/1864.
Account by Edward Curtis Stanford written on 3/1/1864 about the previous year on Tiree and the difficulties he experienced building the seaweed factory at Middleton.
Photocopied account of the discovery of alginic acid by Edward Curtis-Stanford.
Biography of Edward Curtis-Stanford, his discovery of alginic acid and an account of the processes used at the Middleton seaweed factory.
Photocopied papers by Edward Curtis-Stanford.
Front page of Stanford`s paper `On the Manufacture of Kelp` and various other handwritten pages about the uses of seaweed, costings, proposed plans for the factory and drying sheds and highland medicines using seaweed..
Photocopied biography of Edward Curtis-Stanford.
An account of the life and work of Edward Curtis-Stanford.
Photocopied extract from `The Clyde District of Dumbarton` by MacLeod in 1886.
Account of the North British Chemical Company`s works in Dumbarton which extracted the chemicals from the kelp charcoal produced in Tiree; photograph Curtis-Stanford with other Commissioners of the Burgh of Clydebank in 1886.
Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to Maggie Campbell in October 1999.
Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talks to Maggie Campbell in October 1999 about his boyhood and schooling at Sgoil na Mòintich, his work on the farm, a spell in the Merchant Navy and 40 years as clerk to Tain Committee, old burial places, old farming methods using horses, harvesting, changes in the weather, planting potatoes, Tiree-made shoes, storms and tornadoes, New Year festivities, whisky, the Glassary and Curtis-Stanford. Tha Iain Aonghais a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul anns an Dàmhair 1999 mu na daoine agus àiteachan ann agus mun cuairt Cill Moluaig, feum crotail airson aodach a dhath gu dearg, diofrach thobhtaichean mun cuairt Loch Bhasapol far am b’ àbhaist bradan agus bric a bhi, mac fear-uasal Dhòmhnall ’IcIllEathain a bha na fhear-brathaidh airson an Ruis, mar a fhuair ‘An Green’ ainm, na cathaidhean gainmhaiche a b’ àbhaist a bhi ann, uisge air a tharraing a tobraichean, ag obair air na croitean le eich, a’ cur coirce, neipean agus buntàta, a’ toirt sìol don mhuilinn ann an Còrnaig agus cion nan daoine far an robh iad uaireigin gu math lìonmhor.