Colour photograph of a tug-of-war competition at an Agricultural Show at Whitehouse. L-R: unidentified, George Campbell, Alasdair MacInnes, Iain Brown.
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Newsletter `An Tirisdeach`, No. 429, 08/11/08
Local news: retirement of PC Danny Lapsley; interview with George Campbell; HMS Sturdy memorial; Farmhouse Café opens in Balemartine; Labour spin-doctor Alastair Campbell; cattle sale results; `Danny`s Song`.
DVD of TV programme about Alastair Campbell`s love of piping and return to Tiree in 2011
Copied DVD of TV series `First Love` (series 2) featuring Alastair Campbell (Tony Blairs` spin doctor) and his love of bagpiping. He returns to Tiree where his father grew up, and meets up with his aunt Mairi Campbell, Corrairigh, his cousin George Campbell, and his brother Donald Campbell.