Newspaper article about the Duke of Argyll putting Tiree up for auction, 1902.
Messrs Chancellor and Sons by direction of the Duke of Argyll offered the island of Tiree for sale by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard.
Newspaper article about the Duke of Argyll putting Tiree up for auction, 1902.
Messrs Chancellor and Sons by direction of the Duke of Argyll offered the island of Tiree for sale by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard.
Photopied lease of Cornaig Mill to Archibald MacLean dated September 1905
Minute lease between the Duke of Argyll and Archiblad MacLean for the meal mill at Cornaig, dated September 1905. (From the papers of the late Sandy MacKinnon, Crossapol.)
Photocopied letter to the Duke of Argyll dated 20/8/1905 from his brother (Bundle 924).
Letter to the Duke of Argyll dated 20/8/1905 from his brother about the find of two bronze pins found in the sand dunes at Balevullin, with photocopied rubbing.
Photocopied newspaper article about the sale of the Tiree by the Duke of Argyll.
Tiree was offered for sale by auction by the Duke of Argyll but withdrawn when there were no bids.
Photocopied newspaper cutting of a letter by the Duke of Argyll and a reply from a cottar.
Letter from the Duke of Argyll about the non-viability of allotments and a reply from a Tiree cottar.